email: [email protected]

Putting the �You� in YouMedia:

We�re seeking seventy-five high school students to serve as YouMedia Ambassadors.

Our Ambassadors will be the first to learn how to use digital tools such as Garageband, iMovie, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Scratch to create your own media reflections on the books you love to read. In addition, when YouMedia opens to the public you will be able to introduce other youth to YouMedia! Plus, you could earn valuable service learning hours for your time.

Don't let your lack of ability to create a digital song, video, graphic or game stop you from applying! Our artist mentors will teach you what they know and help you develop all the skills you�ll need to make your ideas a reality.

Download the packet below for more information. If you'd like to apply, make sure you register online no later than December 23, 2008!

< Download YouMedia Packet > < Apply Online >