Workshop Descriptions
Digital Basics
This broad-stroke workshop is ideal for teachers from any area of academic focus that desire to provide their students with a new means of engaging in traditional content and project development. Imagine the possibilities when your students are equipped to explore concepts in Literature through Graphic Design, Social Sciences through Broadcast, History through Photography or Digital Video production. When students become aware of their options and gain access to necessary resources, learning becomes personalized; taking on a life of its own outside the classroom.
Please select one area of technical focus from the list below.
Digital Photography – The Digital Photography focus will provide your students with an overview of basic digital camera operations, angels, technique, and supporting software on Mac/PC formats. We will also cover how original photography can be used to enhance student work or become its own project through a mini activity during the workshop.
Digital Video Production – Video Production, whether narrative film making or editorial documentation, is a medium that allows students to discover and develop their ability to relay a story or point of view in a clear manner while employing several media modes at once. In addition to reviewing the functions of digital video equipment and supporting software, students will learn the critical and creative process of film making.
Graphic Design – The Graphic Design focus will introduce students to the elements and principles of Design, numerous software and open source tools and the creative process. From display composition and presentation design to publication layout and typography, students will receive a creative arsenal that will benefit them and their instructors during their high school careers and beyond.
Podcasting & Digital Publishing – Podcasting and Digital Publishing are two forms of traditional media that, thanks to the Internet, give more individuals agency and opportunity to share their unique perspective with a wide audience. Learning how to apply these social mediums for educational or personal use increases students reach into global communities, broadening their sphere of influence and range of productivity.
Creative Concepts
During Creative Conceptsstudents and educators will learn how Literary, Historical, and other traditional subject worlds can be extended through creative forms such as Fan Fiction, Poetry and Spoken Word, and Commentary. We offer these “Tech Lite” workshops because we believe creative development ignites productivity, confidence, imagination and multi-modal analysis. YOUmedia understands that student must be challenged, supported and given a range of tools that can be applied throughout their academic careers and transition into professional occupations.
Please select one area of creative focus from the list below.
Fan Fiction – Students participating in Fan Fiction will learn how to expand the worlds of classic fiction through their own imaginations by writing fan fiction vignettes. By adding their own interpretation and ideas to existing literature students begin to consider the characters as beings with breathing lives and relationships. Settings become real places and periods of time to be traversed. Fan Fiction is a form of creative writing that will encourage your students to involve themselves with the text and learn how to tell a story in a variety of voices.
Poetry & Spoken Word – Although Poetry is a component of traditional Language Arts curriculum, Spoken Word goes beyond the practice of writing to include the skill of performing or reading for an audience. Thanks to creative license and a parodied history, Performance Poetry is an informal way to build student confidence in the areas of personal expression and oratory or public speaking. With a focus on writing, cadence and diction packaged in a relevant and rising art form, students will increase their capacity to share thoughts and ideas in a poised and assertive manner.
Discuss and Debate – Participants in Discuss/Debate workshops, students can explore various ways to project their opinions, ideas, and thoughts around topics that are relevant or important to their social and political views. Whether they want to discuss the current environmental status, political campaigns, or review or analyze the latest album by a favorite artist, students will learn how to format and produce media that engages conversation and builds awareness. This workshop is particularly useful in all subject areas as student can extend their activities and assignment through digital interpretations of lessons taught in the classroom.